Lack Of Vitamin C Bleeding Gums

Lack Of Vitamin C Bleeding Gums

Health and medicine  |  News releases  |  Population Health  |  Public Health

January 31, 2021

Bleeding gums may be a sign you need more vitamin C in your diet

fruit orange

Bleeding of the gums on gentle probing, or gingival bleeding tendency, and also bleeding in the eye, or retinal hemorrhaging, were associated with low vitamin C levels in the bloodstream, the study found.Marcos Ramírez/Unsplash

Current advice from the American Dental Association tells you that if your gums bleed, make sure you are brushing and flossing twice a day because it could be a sign of gingivitis, an early stage of periodontal disease. And that might be true. So if you are concerned, see your dentist. However, a new University of Washington study suggests you should also check your intake of vitamin C.

"When you see your gums bleed, the first thing you should think about is not, I should brush more. You should try to figure out why your gums are bleeding. And vitamin C deficiency is one possible reason," said the study's lead author Philippe Hujoel, a practicing dentist and professor of oral health sciences in the UW School of Dentistry.

Hujoel's study, published Feb. 1 in Nutrition Reviews, analyzed published studies of 15 clinical trials in six countries, involving 1,140 predominantly healthy participants, and data from 8,210 U.S. residents surveyed in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The results showed that bleeding of the gums on gentle probing, or gingival bleeding tendency, and also bleeding in the eye, or retinal hemorrhaging, were associated with low vitamin C levels in the bloodstream. And, the researchers found that increasing daily intake of vitamin C in those people with low vitamin C plasma levels helped to reverse these bleeding issues.

Of potential relevance, says Hujoel, who is also an adjunct professor of epidemiology in the UW School of Public Health, both a gum bleeding tendency and retinal bleeding could be a sign of general trouble in one's microvascular system, of a microvascular bleeding tendency in the brain, heart and kidneys.

The study does not imply that successful reversing of an increased gingival bleeding tendency with vitamin C will prevent strokes or other serious health outcomes, Hujoel stresses. However, the results do suggest that vitamin C recommendations designed primarily to protect against scurvy — a deadly disease caused by extremely low vitamin C levels — are too low, and that such a low vitamin C intake can lead to a bleeding tendency, which should not be treated with dental floss.

Consequently, Hujoel does recommend people attempt to keep an eye on their vitamin C intake through incorporation of non-processed foods such as kale, peppers or kiwis into your diet, and if you can't find palatable foods rich in vitamin C to consider a supplement of about 100 to 200 milligrams a day.

If someone is on a specialized diet, such as a paleo diet, it's important that they take a look at their vitamin C intake, Hujoel said. "Vitamin C-rich fruits such as kiwis or oranges are rich in sugar and thus typically eliminated from a low-carb diet."

This avoidance may lead to a vitamin C intake that is too low and is associated with an increased bleeding tendency. People who exclusively eat lean meats and avoid offal, the vitamin-rich organ meats, may be at a particularly high risk for a low vitamin C intake.

The association between gum bleeding and vitamin C levels was recognized more than 30 years ago. In fact, two studies co-authored by former dean of the UW School of Dentistry Paul Robertson (published in 1986 and 1991) identified gum bleeding as a biological marker for vitamin C levels.

However, this connection somehow got lost in dental conversations around bleeding gums.

"There was a time in the past when gingival bleeding was more generally considered to be a potential marker for a lack of vitamin C. But over time, that's been drowned out or marginalized by this overattention to treating the symptom of bleeding with brushing or flossing, rather than treating the cause," Hujoel said.

Hujoel's literature review also determined that "retinal hemorrhaging and cerebral strokes are associated with increased gingival bleeding tendency, and that (vitamin C) supplementation reverses the retinal bleeding associated with low (vitamin C) plasma levels."

So, missing the possible connection between gum bleeding and low levels of vitamin C has the potential to have serious health consequences.

The study authors write: "A default prescription of oral hygiene and other periodontal interventions to 'treat' microvascular pathologies, even if partially effective in reversing gingival bleeding as suggested in this meta-analysis, is risky because it does not address any potential morbidity and mortality associated with the systemic microvascular-related pathologies."

Co-authors include Tomotaka Kato, Department of Oral Health Sciences, UW School of Dentistry; Isabel Hujoel, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic; and Margaux L.A. Hujoel, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.


For more information, contact Hujoel at

Tag(s): Department of Oral Health Sciences • Phillipe Hujoel • population health • School of Dentistry

Lack Of Vitamin C Bleeding Gums



Is Vitamin C Good For Anti Aging

Is Vitamin C Good For Anti Aging

Photo Courtesy: KARRASTOCK/Moment/Getty Images

Nearly 2 million American adults each year are diagnosed with cancer. If you receive a diagnosis, your schedule can quickly start to fill up with doctor's appointments, medical procedures and pharmacy visits. Creating a checklist of things to do can help keep you busy and feeling more in control. But acknowledging the effects a cancer diagnosis can have on your emotions — and healthily managing those emotions — is almost as important.

Doctors and psychologists now recognize that healing improves after a diagnosis when both our physical and emotional needs are met, says Niki Barr, Ph.D., a psychotherapist at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in Texas, who consults with medical doctors, extended families and caregivers about emotionally coping with a cancer diagnosis.

Learning you have cancer is a stressful experience, and it's important to acknowledge and cope with that stress. Fully understanding how your emotional needs can change after you receive a cancer diagnosis can go a long way in helping you and your family heal. The tips here can help you support your mental health as you navigate your diagnosis and treatment.

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Upon hearing your diagnosis, you might experience grief, fear or even a feeling of denial until some time has passed. "These are all normal and emotionally healthy responses, but it's all too easy to spiral out of control with fear in the beginning," says Barr. Fortunately, these tips can help you manage the anxiety and fear that come along with learning about a cancer diagnosis.

Lessen the Impact of Anxious Thoughts

Start by writing your thoughts down on note cards or in a journal. Identify the first one that's leading you to feel uneasy. For example, you might write down something like "I'm afraid of my hair falling out." Then, move onto the subsequent fear and write it down. That might be something like "People will treat me differently if they see I have cancer."

When you've identified most of your anxious thoughts, go back to the first one and write something new on the card that can help ease your stress. It should be a thought that's confident and empowering. For example, suppose you're worried about your hair falling out. In that case, a positive view could be: "I've been looking forward to getting a new hairstyle anyway." When you're feeling nervous, read the more positive strategies, says Barr.

Work On Your Internal Dialogue

It can also help to defuse all those "What if?" questions you might ask yourself, such as "What if my cancer has spread?" or "What if the treatment doesn't work?" One scary question tends to lead to another and often turns into full-fledged anxiety. Try to focus on those things you have the power to improve on your own. The next time you start asking yourself the what-ifs, substitute the upsetting ideas with this one: "Is this thought helping me or hurting me?" You can also ask, "Is this thought moving me forward or backward?" Your answers might surprise you, and they can help you move away from the thoughts that are holding you back.

Get Grounded

Interrupting periods of anxiety by focusing on small details around you can help you shift your perspective away from negativity and towards the present moment. "Look at the beautiful color of the walls in the room you're in; look at the person you're talking to, the clothes [they're] wearing," Barr suggests. Becoming very present and focused on physical details nearby helps soothe sudden anxious thoughts. Turn your focus towards absorbing the colors, smells, people and each new sound around you. Build those sensations up very clearly in your mind. You can use this technique as a distraction tool the next time you're waiting for a medical procedure or want a diversion from your thoughts.

Meditate to Music

Research shows that 15 to 30 minutes of both guided imagery and soothing tunes can alleviate deep feelings of stress about a cancer diagnosis. The Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) reviewed 30 clinical cancer trials that analyzed more than 1,890 cancer patients. They found that music therapy can have a beneficial effect on anxiety, pain, mood, quality of life, heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure.

The CTCA also offers many classes and therapies to help people relax, reduce stress and improve their quality of life as part of an extensive mind-body medicine program. Many centers provide calming background music during healing therapies.

What Are Your Next Steps?

Photo Courtesy: Peathegee Inc/Getty Images

You have a cancer diagnosis: Now what? Learning how to clear your mind and focus on positive thoughts is a helpful step in the right direction. Here are other soul-soothing strategies you can try.

Start Journaling and Reflecting

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology has shown that expressing your innermost feelings can reduce stress and have a range of other emotional and social benefits. Researchers aren't sure why putting thoughts down on paper is effective. Still, it allows you to process complex emotions and help you chart a way forward, whether you've been diagnosed with cancer or are taking care of someone who has.

Exercise When Possible

Exercising for 2.5 hours per week can help you beat symptoms of depression and fatigue. Among the nation's millions of cancer survivors, there are hints — but not proof yet — that active exercisers may lower their risk of their cancer coming back.

The American College of Sports Medicine hosted a medical panel of cancer specialists to evaluate this exercise evidence. It issued guidelines suggesting that cancer patients and survivors should exercise for about 30 minutes most days of the week. This exercise should be enjoyable to you but also build up a sweat. When patients and their family caregivers exercised together, research found, everyone was more likely to stick with the fitness regimen, boost their physical stamina and experience less emotional strain.

Strengthen Your Social Support System

Connecting with others who've been through this kind of emotional diagnosis already can be a source of comfort and support. Learn more about online communities and your local chapters and support groups that meet up. The American Cancer Society also suggests attending one-on-one professional therapy or its "I Can Cope" online support groups to learn more.

Resource Links:

Find Local Cancer Support Programs | Cancer Support Groups

Strategies Used in Coping With a Cancer Diagnosis Predict Meaning in Life for Survivors

Coping Well with Advanced Cancer: A Serial Qualitative Interview Study with Patients and Family Carers

Coping with cancer

Coping Attitudes of Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers and Quality of Life of Caregivers


Is Vitamin C Good For Anti Aging



How Much Vitamin C Can A Kid Have

How Much Vitamin C Can A Kid Have

Girl holding glass of orange juice

Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C for kids.

Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images

From fresh strawberries to orange juice and multiflavored fruit snacks, children receive vitamin C from a number of sources. An antioxidant known for shortening the duration of the common cold, vitamin C helps the growth and maintenance of the body's tissues. Children need to eat foods filled with vitamin C because the body does not make the vitamin on its own. Thanks to stories of pirates who didn't have access to fruits and vegetables while at sea, scurvy is a well-known side effect of what happens when there's too little vitamin C in the diet, but few people know the effects of too much vitamin C.

Overdose is Possible, But Unlikely

While it's highly unlikely, a child can receive an overdose of vitamin C if she takes a "megadose" of a vitamin supplement that greatly exceeds the tolerable upper intake level for her age. An overdose can result in illness symptoms, but it is not toxic and does not require emergency care. In most cases, you do not have to worry about your child overdosing on vitamin C because the body does not store the vitamin. Even if your child receives a high dose of vitamin C through foods and juices and takes a supplement containing vitamin C, she will likely flush out the extra vitamin C when she urinates.

The Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine sets recommendations for vitamins and minerals. For vitamin C, infants age 0 to 6 months need 40 milligrams a day, while infants 7 to 12 months need 50 milligrams a day. Children ages 1 to 3 years need 15 milligrams daily, those aged 4 to 8 need 25 milligrams daily, and children age 9 to 13 need 45 milligrams daily. For ages 14 to 18, girls should consume 65 milligrams each day, and boys should consume 75 milligrams each day.

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels

Unless your doctor has recommended a specific vitamin C dosage to combat scurvy after a severe vitamin C deficiency, a healthy child should not exceed the tolerable upper intake levels for his age. The UL is 400 milligrams a day for children age 1 to 3 years and 650 milligrams a day for children 4 to 8 years old. For children 9 to 13 years, the UL jumps to 1,200 milligrams a day. The UL is 1,000 milligrams per day for all adolescents aged 14 to 18. The U.S. Food and Nutrition Board of the institute of Medicine has not set tolerable upper intake levels for infants, as they should get all of their vitamin C through breastmilk, formula or food.

Vitamin C Complications

An overdose of vitamin C can cause complications that, for the most part, may make your child feel unwell and uncomfortable, but will not put him in serious harm. Overdose side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, abdominal cramps, headache and insomnia. A vitamin C overdose can also increase the risk for kidney stones. Your child is more likely to be deficient in vitamin C than to consume too much, with side effects including a weakened immune system, slow wound healing, easy bruising, dry skin and hair, nosebleeds and bleeding and inflamed gums.

How Much Vitamin C Can A Kid Have



Halls Vitamin C Watermelon

Halls Vitamin C Watermelon

Photo Courtesy: Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Vitamin E is a compound that plays many important roles in your body and provides multiple health benefits. In order to maintain healthy levels of vitamin E, you need to ingest it through food or consume it as an oral supplement. Read on to find out which foods are recommended sources of this essential nutrient, along with other basics to know about vitamin E.

Vitamin E is classified as an antioxidant. This means that vitamin E helps to destroy harmful compounds called free radicals that can build up in your body. Free radicals cause damage to cells through oxidative stress, and they've been linked to aging and health problems such as cancer and heart disease. Getting enough vitamin E on a daily basis may help to combat these conditions by protecting the outer membranes of your cells from free radical damage.

Photo Courtesy: Leren Lu/Photodisc/Getty Images

Vitamin E also plays an important role in your immune system and your body's ability to fight infection. At certain doses, vitamin E has been shown to stimulate the function of T cells — a type of cell that responds to pathogens that cause disease. Recent studies have shown that increasing your vitamin E intake may correlate with a stronger immune response and greater resistance to infection.

Vitamin E is present in the following whole foods:

  • Wheat germ
  • Almonds
  • Plant oils (vegetable, sunflower, grapeseed, etc.)
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peanut butter
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Kiwi
  • Mango

Daily Dosage Recommendations

As people age, their daily dosage recommendation for vitamin E increases. For these standard recommended daily doses, a healthy balanced diet is usually sufficient for getting the required amount of vitamin E:

Photo Courtesy: skynesher/E+/Getty Images
  • Birth to 6 months: 4 milligrams (mg)/day
  • 1 to 12 months: 5 mg/day
  • 1 to 3 years: 6mg/day
  • 4 to 8 years: 7mg/day
  • 9 to 13 years: 11mg/day
  • 14+ years, including adults and seniors: 15mg/day

A person's age, gender and health conditions can help determine their recommended daily dose of vitamin E. Always consult a healthcare professional before altering your intake of vitamin E from the recommended daily dosage.

Taking Vitamin E Supplements

If it becomes necessary, such as if you become deficient in vitamin E, your doctor may advise you to start taking vitamin E supplements. Vitamin E supplements may come with some minor side effects if you take more than the recommended daily amount or if you combine these supplements with certain medications.

Photo Courtesy: Moyo Studio/E+/Getty Images

For example, vitamin E may increase the risk of bleeding if you take it with anticoagulants (also called blood thinners) like warfarin. Other medications, like chemotherapy drugs and cholesterol-lowering drugs, have potential harmful interactions when combined with vitamin E supplements. Talk to a healthcare professional before introducing daily vitamin E supplements, and be sure to discuss current medications you're taking.

Signs of a Vitamin E Deficiency

Because most people are able to get a sufficient amount of vitamin E through their normal daily diet, vitamin E deficiency is rare and typically related to an underlying health issue. For example, because vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient, there's a risk for vitamin E deficiency in people whose bodies are unable to absorb fat properly. Premature infants may also become deficient in vitamin E.

Photo Courtesy: LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images

When vitamin E deficiency does occur, these are some of its common symptoms:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Unsteady gait
  • Nerve pain or numbness
  • Impaired vision

Vitamin E deficiency can be detected with a blood test. It typically resolves with minor changes in your diet or the addition of vitamin E supplements. It's important to address any out-of-range vitamin E levels with your doctor. Chronic deficiencies may prevent your immune system from functioning normally.

Resource Links:


Halls Vitamin C Watermelon



Food Items Containing Vitamin C

Food Items Containing Vitamin C

Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin C

Photo of Daisy Whitbread

Powered by USDA Nutrition Data

Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for the maintenance of skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, and wound healing. (1,2)

Vitamin C also helps protect cells against oxidative stress, which in turn provides protection against certain diseases, including cancer. (1,3)

Vitamin C, like zinc and vitamin A, also helps support your immune system. (4,5,6)

High vitamin C foods include guavas, bell peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries, oranges, papayas, broccoli, tomatoes, kale, and snow peas. The current daily value (% DV) for vitamin C is 90mg. (7)

Below is a list high vitamin C foods ranked by a common serving size, use the nutrient ranking of over 200 foods high in vitamin C to see the foods highest in vitamin C by nutrient density (per gram), or see rankings of fruits high in vitamin C, and vegetables high in vitamin C.

  • Introduction
  • High Vitamin C Foods
  • Printable
  • Vitamin C Foods by Nutrient Density (Vitamin C per Gram)
  • Other Vitamin C Rich Foods
  • About the Data
  •  Nutrient Ranking Tool
  • Related
  • Feedback
  • References

Half a guava

#1: Guavas

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(419% DV)
(254% DV)
(746% DV)

Slices of kiwifruit

#2: Kiwifruit

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(185% DV)
(103% DV)
(338% DV)

Bell peppers

#3: Bell Peppers

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(169% DV)
(142% DV)
(1091% DV)


#4: Strawberries

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(108% DV)
(65% DV)
(408% DV)

Slices of orange

#5: Oranges

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(106% DV)
(59% DV)
(252% DV)


#6: Papaya

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(98% DV)
(68% DV)
(315% DV)


#7: Broccoli

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(90% DV)
(99% DV)
(583% DV)


#8: Tomato

Vitamin C
per Cup Cooked
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(61% DV)
(25% DV)
(281% DV)

Green peas

#9: Snow Peas

Vitamin C
per Cup
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(42% DV)
(67% DV)
(317% DV)

Kale leaves

#10: Kale

Vitamin C
per Cup Cooked
Vitamin C
per 100g
Vitamin C
per 200 Calories
(26% DV)
(20% DV)
(110% DV)

See All 200 Foods High in Vitamin C

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Printable One Page Sheet

Click to Print

A printable list of the top 10 foods highest in vitamin C.

Vitamin C Foods by Nutrient Density (Vitamin C per Gram)

Other Vitamin C Rich Foods

About the Data

Data for the curated food lists comes from the USDA Food Data Central Repository.

You can check our data against the USDA by clicking the (Source) link at the bottom of each food listing.

Note: When checking data please be sure the serving sizes are the same. In the rare case you find any difference, please contact us and we will fix it right away.

  • Foods High in Vitamin C
  • Foods Low in Vitamin C
  • Vegetables High in Vitamin C
  • Fruits High in Vitamin C
  • Vegetarian Foods High in Vitamin C
  • Nuts High in Vitamin C
  • Beans High in Vitamin C
  • Dairy High in Vitamin C
  • Breakfast Cereals High in Vitamin C
  • Fast Foods High in Vitamin C

View more food groups with the nutrient ranking tool, or see ratios with the nutrient ratio tool.
  • Vitamin E Foods
  • Beta Carotene Food Sources
  • High Lycopene Foods
  • High Iron Foods
  • High Potassium Foods


Data Sources and References

  1. Mitochondria, Energy and Cancer: The Relationship with Ascorbic Acid. J Orthomol Med. 2010; 25(1): 29–38.
  2. Office of Dietary Supplements Fact Sheet: Vitamin C
  3. L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) induces the apoptosis of B16 murine melanoma cells via a caspase-8-independent pathway. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2003;52:693–698.
  4. Vitamin C and Immune Function Nutrients. 2017 Nov; 9(11): 1211.
  5. The role of vitamin A and related retinoids in immune function. Nutr Rev. 1998 Jan;56(1 Pt 2):S38-48.
  6. Zinc in Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells Mol Med. 2008 May-Jun; 14(5-6): 353–357. Published online 2008 Apr 3. doi: 10.2119/2008-00033.Prasad.
  7. FDA Daily Values Guidelines
  8. U.S. Agricultural Research Service Food Data Central

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Food Items Containing Vitamin C



Dr Suzanne Humphries Vitamin C Dosage

Dr Suzanne Humphries Vitamin C Dosage

Vitamin C/Na Ascorbate for Whooping Cough by Suzanne Humphries, MD

Knowledge is powerful.

In 2012, Dr. Suzanne Humphries wrote her original protocol for whooping cough using Vitamin C.  Since then, she has received hundreds of appreciative letters from parents telling her how the protocol worked using it on their own. I (Jacqueline) write this for my own children who are now about to have their own families, but I also want to share it here for anyone who is willing to do a little study. Your child's health and recovery is worth a few hours of your time to learn.

This is summarized, but to gain a full understanding, please go to Dr. Suzanne's full sodium ascorbate protocol for whooping cough (or another source) and read it. You will learn an amazing amount by watching her brilliant video below.

Please do not jump to the protocol if you do not understand the full picture. If you do, you may struggle to work out how, when and why to adjust vitamin C dosing.

The good news is that whooping cough treatment is simple and inexpensive, and it can be done at home.

Vaccine E-Book

Get your free copy of the Vital Vaccine Info E-Book

Use this Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) Protocol with your doctor or at home

You can use this protocol with your doctor: Dr. Humphries writes, "If you have a cooperative medical provider, this document can serve as a guideline for them and you to work together. However, as you will see by parents' experiences on, most parents use the document on their own with success.Their stories will give you hope to put aside the negative messages propagated by ignorant and mis-educated mainstream media and the conventional medical system."

She writes: B. pertussis infection as NOT a walk in the park. For many people, it is a severe and worrying cough.

If the B. pertussis vaccine was safe and effective, it may have been worth using. However, the B. pertussis vaccine is probably one of the most ineffective.

It's many disadvantages which lend dubious, fleeting protection to the individual, results in numerous doses and boosters from cradle to grave. In fact, the more whooping cough vaccines a person receives, the less effective they become.[1] Conversely, a 2010 study suggested that natural immunity to whooping cough lasts at least 30 years[2], whereas the immunity from a vaccine lasts three years at most.[3]

Is Vitamin C (Sodium ascorbate) a cure? No, but the majority of parents who use it on their infected babies, and young and older children, report a significant decrease in cough intensity, with thinning and loosening of sticky mucus, within the first 24 hours of proper dosing. Ascorbate, in properly spaced, very high oral doses, will get you and your children through the weeks with vastly reduced symptoms while developing lasting immunity that will later protect those around them more effectively than vaccines can.

Dr. Suzanne states,"Whooping cough is the place that I use the most vitamin C… Antibiotics do not change the cough, except often will make it worse because you are impairing the immunity and doctors have nothing else to offer."

This video will be exciting to anyone who wants to knowledgeably avoid iatrogenic accidents.

She goes into all uses (including use for sepsis) in an easy to understand way.)

Identifying Whooping Cough In Your Child

"The cough will become more regular and predictable, first at night. You may get coughs every hour, on the hour. This is because it takes around an hour for the mucus to pool deeper inside the lungs. Usually parents start to suspect whooping cough once the cough becomes regular in the day as well. If you suspect it is whooping cough, write down or electronically record the time of each coughing spell at the beginning, to see if a pattern establishes. This will help with diagnosis.

"Why write it down? Because life will become so hectic you won't be able to remember, and your paper or phone will be your memory. It will enable you to look back clearly, without panic, and see what the progression has been.

"Once the cough is established, at the end of some coughs, fairly thick mucus might come up. This is because the bacterial exotoxins have eroded most of the hairs in the bronchi that normally sweep the mucus up and around, like a non-stop river to keep the surfaces moist.

"The earlier in the illness you start using ascorbate, the fewer bronchial hairs will be lost. Once bronchial hairs are lost, the cough sounds dry, and that's because the mucus membranes aren't being kept as regularly moist as normal. Most children do not pool mucus, so long as they continually bring it up.

"Healthy babies, toddlers, and older children with whooping cough look quite normal between the telltale coughing spells." (source)

Types of Vitamin C ascorbate to have on hand

Powdered Sodium ascorbate (PSA) crystalline from a non-GMO source. I recommend Nutribiotic brand available from amazon or iherb.

Liposomal sodium ascorbate (LSA). I recommend Livon labs brand lipospheric available from Amazon and iherb. Note that this is a soy-based product and also contains 12% alcohol, about 1/8th tsp per pack. I have not had any problems even in very young babies.

A more recent discovery of mine wasSufficient-C brand ascorbic acid. The benefit of this brand is that it tastes amazing. It is a bit more expensive than Nutribiotic SA and it is Ascorbic Acid (AA) not Sodium Ascorbate (SA), but I recommend you use it for older children and older toddlers who are weaned from breast milk IF you have to give very high doses of PSA or LSA. Why? Because you can hide the PSA and LSA in it. I have yet to see one adult or child say they didn't love this brand of ascorbic acid. Best of all, it is sweetened with stevia and nothing harmful. It also contains caffeine free-green tea extract, L-lysine and bromelain. You can use a 50:50 PSA and Sufficient-C combination, or add some LSA to the sufficient-C to hide the taste of the LSA.

Dr. Suzanne states, "Vitamin C is never a poison in the body, because so many functions of the body require it, and whenever you take too much, you will have an episode of loose bowels, as the excess is removed from the body. This is how you know you've had more than enough."

General Care of the Child

"Watch the child carefully throughout the day, and write down everything, including how you are feeling. If the child feels hot, go ahead and take the temperature. Under no circumstances use cough suppressants of any kind, or acetaminophen, fever reducers, or cold medicines. Parents have been conditioned to fear fever, but fever is the body's innate mechanism to deal with disease." (source)

Vitamin C Dosage Instructions

Sodium ascorbate is cheap and easy to find. It is a slightly sour, salty powder and small dosages contain large amounts of needed vitamin C for treating whooping cough.

To calculate dosage: Divide child's weight in pounds by 2.2, then multiply by 375. This is the total number of mg. one should take during waking hours each day, divided into frequent dosages.

There are 1112 mg of vitamin C in 1/4 tsp (one dose) of Nutribiotic sodium ascorbate.

For a child who weighs 40 lbs, the dosage would be about six 1/4 tsp doses throughout the day. This can be divided into smaller, more frequent doses if needed.

40 / 2.2 = 18.18 X 375 = 6,818 / 1112 (the mg of vitamin C in one 1/4 tsp dose) = 6.13 doses in one day

At this dosage, the vitamin C should cause "bowel flushing," the point at which bowel tolerance of vitamin C is reached and stools become loose. While an unpleasant side effect,this is a sign that the body has become saturated with vitamin C.

She says, "If your dose is right, within 8 hours there should be a significant reduction in the coughing frequency and severity. If you start to taper the ascorbate too soon, e.g., before two-four weeks, you could see an increase in cough.

Because the toxins produced by pertussis can persist for up to three months, it is recommended to continue treatment throughout that duration.

Liposomal Vitamin C Use

Liposomal Vitamin C is suggested for exclusively breastfed babies.

 The book Dissolving Illusions

Occasionally, Liposomal vitamin C may be needed at any age if bowel tolerance has been reached but the coughing persists. In that case, a liposomal vitamin C can be added in similar doses.

Vaccine E-Book

Get your free copy of the Vital Vaccine Info E-Book

I urge you as a parent to gain a basic understanding of this protocol to dramatically lessen the difficulties of whooping cough for your child and avoiding altogether the challenges found in the modern medical system of today.

To learn more, follow Dr. Suzanne over on FB here. See more or her excellent videos here.

Her book Dissolving illusions gains a 5 star rating and is a best seller, because people want the truth!

Vitamin C/Na Ascorbate for Whooping Cough by Suzanne Humphries, MD

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Dr Suzanne Humphries Vitamin C Dosage



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Get Your Glow On With These 5 Skin-Protecting Vitamin C Creams


Vitamin C: Not just for treating scurvy anymore. "Vitamin C is essential for good skin health," NYC-based dermatologist Dr. Kenneth Howe tells Bustle. "It's the most abundant and important antioxidant in our skin." As an antioxidant, vitamin C protects your skin from environmental aggressors like the sun, pollution, and smoke; and, according to Dr. Howe, an overabundance of those free radicals can result in collagen depletion, hyperpigmentation, and even skin cancer. It follows, then, that infusing your skin with vitamin C can result in a glowier, clearer complexion, so you'll want to get your topical vitamin C wherever you can. The best vitamin C creams are a good place to start.

Vitamin C is especially valuable for providing a deeper layer of sun protection that SPF can't quite reach. "Even the most diligent sunscreen applier will still have some UV rays penetrate the skin — sunscreens are screens, after all; they block the transmission of only a given percentage of incident UV radiation," Dr. Howe says. "Some of it still gets through. And that's where antioxidants like vitamin C come in. Antioxidants snuff out the damage that UV rays cause by quenching free radicals present in the skin." That said, this is not a reason to skimp on the face sunscreen you're already wearing every day (right?).

Dr. Howe recommends applying vitamin C products in the morning; that way, you're providing your skin with a fresh supply of the antioxidant's protective powers. And because they're typically used during the day, lots of vitamin C creams include other ingredients that brighten, smooth, hydrate, and otherwise benefit your skin.

Ahead, you'll find five of the best vitamin C creams for all manner of budgets and skin types. Put them on in the morning for luminous skin all day long, then drink a glass of orange juice so your teeth don't fall out.

We only recommend products we love and that we think you will, too. We may receive a portion of sales from products purchased from this article, which was written by our Commerce team.


The Overall Best Vitamin C Cream

There's no way to sugarcoat it: At $65, this Image Skincare Vital C Hydrating Intense Moisturizer is expensive. But if it's any consolation, this is my favorite daytime moisturizer of all time. Some of the main ingredients in here are water, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and shea butter, which all work together to pull and seal moisture into your skin. It leaves my combination skin feeling soft, bouncy, and not at all greasy. I also like its bright citrusy scent, courtesy of antioxidant-rich orange peel extract. If you like this moisturizer, check out the rest of Image's vitamin c-centric Vital C line. I'm partial to their Vital C Hydrating Enzyme Masque, which I use weekly for some gentle resurfacing.


The Best (Affordable) Vitamin C Cream With SPF

As Dr. Howe mentioned, vitamin C creams are best used during the day so the antioxidants can help stave off environmental aggressors you may encounter out in the world — and, in the skin-care lexicon, "daytime" means "you also need to be wearing SPF." This Neutrogena Rapid Tone Repair Moisturizer With Sunscreen has that, and so many other things, covered. The ingredients are basically a greatest-hits list of everything you need for luminous, even, and sun-protected skin. Retinol SA, a gentle form of retinol infused with hyaluronic acid, gives your skin the smoothing and resurfacing effects retinol is beloved for, without the dryness and irritation it's demonized for. Then there's straight-up hyaluronic acid for hydrating and plumping, vitamin C for brightening and protecting, and broad spectrum SPF 30 for staving off UVA/UVB rays. Even better: This one-size-fits-all AM moisturizer costs just about $18 on Amazon.


The Best Eye Cream With Vitamin C

Boosting collagen production, reducing hyperpigmentation, generally enlivening tired, sallow skin: These are a few of my favorite things about vitamin C creams, and they are, almost always, the things your under-eyes could use more of. Along with that hero ingredient, this moisturizing (but non-greasy) Redermic C Pure Vitamin C Eye Cream from La Roche-Posay contains lots of botanical oils and a healthy dose of hyaluronic acid, the other, unofficial hero ingredient on this list. Neurosensine, a naturally occurring dipeptide, and the brand's signature thermal water are also included in the formula to reduce redness and provide a much-needed cooling effect. Use this one during the day, and La Roche-Posay's Redermic R Retinol Eye Cream at night if you take your depuffing regimen seriously.


A Great Mid-Range Vitamin C Gel-Cream

The Body Shop's Vitamin C Glow Boosting Moisturiser has a refreshing, cooling gel texture, which makes this an especially good choice if you have oily skin and find traditional creams too heavy or greasy. Along with vitamin C derived from Amazonian camu camu berries, this one contains soothing aloe vera and conditioning vitamin E and sesame seed oil. It's a zingy little pick-me-up for your skin in the morning, and it'll provide a soft, dewy canvas for your makeup. Just let the gel sink in and dry for a few minutes before you do that.


Another Luxurious Vitamin C Cream To Consider

The C.E.O. Vitamin C Rich Hydration Cream from Sunday Riley sets itself apart from others like it for its extra-special ingredients, which are both botanically and scientifically derived. Lime pearl extract, a natural source of AHAs, gently sloughs away the layer of dead cells on top of your skin so the cream's 5% vitamin C can absorb more thoroughly. Meanwhile, turmeric and exopolysaccharides provide more targeted protection from environmental pollution. (The latter is particularly effective for staving off the pollution particles found in smog.) Otherwise, the texture, slip, and orangey scent are similar to the Image moisturizer, so go for this one if you're very exposed to pollution (hi, fellow New Yorkers!), or if you're in the cult of Sunday Riley.


Dr. Kenneth Howe, board-certified dermatologist practicing at Wexler Dermatology.

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